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Michele and Bret Dirks have been leading teams to Honduras since 2004. Over the last 9 years they have led 13 teams to many different regions of Honduras. The teams provide different areas of service including Medical and Dental care, distributing shoes, fitting reading glasses, engaging in children’s activities and much more. Our mission is “North Americans helping Hondurans help their own.”

7 Responses to About

  1. Lynn Morris says:

    Interested in going on your next mission. I have heard a lot about it.

  2. Christina Woods says:

    I would love some information on this year’s trip. Is it full? When are you going? What are the costs? Thank you!
    Christi Woods

  3. Sherri and Mark Olson says:

    Can’t wait to see you both again 😁

  4. Shirley Olson says:

    My name is Shirley Olson and I attend Lake City Church. I am interested in coming to Feb informational meeting about Honduras trip in June 2018. Was unable to attend Jan meeting because we were out of town. Are you still taking applications ? I am a retired RN. Also would this trip be appropriate for a 17yr old?. I would love for my granddaughter to experience a mission trip .

    • micheledirks says:

      We would love to have you join us, and yes we love having youth on this trip. Can you come to the meeting Thursday night? If you haven’t yet go to the meeting notes tab and review the notes from the last meeting and print off the complete short term
      Missions app. Fill out as much as you can for the meeting on Thursday. Hope to see you then

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